
Blog » 2017 » October » 4 » Perfect Escalation Follow up email
Perfect Escalation Follow up email


I imagine you've had a frustrating afternoon. I appreciate your active engagement in the ongoing efforts to troubleshoot this issue, and I wanted take a moment to give you some insight into what's happening behind the scenes here, which will hopefully convey how seriously we're taking it.

The original case filed related to this issue was escalated to a Sev1 at 8:36am AEST, which is roughly three hours ago. The act of declaring a Sev1 triggers notifications which are sent to the entire management chain of Customer Success Group, including our president, John Smith , local sales leadership, and TWE's complete account team. I've been working with the combined teams since then. I have taken the additional steps of directly involving senior leadership in the XXX team on this case for visibility. 

Each individual mentioned received a specific notification and abbreviated briefing on what's going on, who's impacted, for how long, and what we're doing to address it upon escalation. Notifications are dispatched by email and surfaced on everyone's mobile devices. Periodic updates to all parties are required until the issue is resolved - so as long as you're in strife, everyone - up to and including the President of Customer Success Group - continues to be made aware until we resolve the issue.

Believe me when I tell you - all hands are on deck and are aggressively pursuing a solution. Once we're back up and running, we'll look at conducting an RCA and will review this once it comes through.

Please stay tuned to support for further updates - they will be forthcoming. Apologies for the challenging afternoon, and thanks for your patience.